Tutorial: Working With the New Titling Tools in Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018
Jan Ozer explores the new titling tools in Premiere Pro CC 2018, and explains how to create titles from scratch and work with title templates provided in Premiere Pro and imported from Adobe After Effects via the new Essential Graphics panel.
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to work with the new title function in Adobe Premiere Pro Creative Cloud 2018. We're going to look at three cases:
• creating a title from scratch
• working with the Premiere Pro Title templates
• working with a motion graphics template created in Adobe After Effects.
Creating a Title from Scratch
To add a simple text title, go down to the Type tool (Figure 1, below), click in the Program Monitor, and start typing. If you want to move the title around, you can just click the Selection tool, then move it to where you want to move it.

Figure 1. Choosing the Type tool
You'll notice that there's a lot of parameters that show up with the title in the Effect Controls window (Figure 2, below). You'll also note that that's a pretty confusing place to work.

Figure 2. Setting title parameters in the Effect Controls window
To make it simpler, Adobe created the Essential Graphics panel. If you're in this workspace, it shows up as a separate window, but it's easier to work with if you move into the Graphics workspace (Figure 3, below).

Figure 3. Switching to the Graphics workspace
Figure 4 (below) shows the Essential Graphics panel.

Figure 4. The Essential Graphics panel
The panel has two elements: the browser (Figure 4), where you can access all of the templates; and the edit space (Figure 5, below), where you can edit the text that you just created.

Figure 5. The Edit space in the Essential Graphics panel
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